Torque sensor

Static test torque sensor-RTM 2080&2090

Product Description

The RTM2080/2090 large aperture hollow flange static torque transducers utilize a multi-strain bridge design for excellent torque test accuracy. Advanced design and manufacturing processes and ideal materials minimize the effects of temperature and external forces on the test.
The rotating element is made of high-strength stainless steel with excellent properties, and the flange thickness is small enough to fit into tight installation spaces, eliminating the need for significant mechanical modifications in tests such as pumps and drilling rigs.

Key Features

High accuracy and large range
Range 136,000~271,000Nm
Small flange thickness Small installation space required
Suitable for pump and rig testing

Information & Quotation
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Bridge lmpedance: (Ohms, Nominal)350
Output: (mV/V, Nominal)1.5
Zero Unbalance:(% of Full Scale)≤±1
Nonlinearity:(% of Full Scale, End Point Method)≤±0.1
Hysteresis: (% of Full Scale)≤±0.1
Nonrepeatability: (% of Full Scale)≤±0.05
Zero Drift: (% of Full Scale/Degree F)≤±0.002
Span Drift: (% of Reading/Degree F)≤±0.002
Compensated Temperature Range: (Degrees F) +75~+175
Usable Temperature Range: (Degrees F) -65~+225
Maximum Allowable Excitation: (Volts, ac or dc)15
Extraneous Load Crosstalk: (% of Full Scale, Typical)1

Hope to receive a quotation
If you have any questions about our products and need a quotation, or if you need advice on measurements, please contact us! We are happy to help and advise you.

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