Pitot tube wind velocity measurement

Pitot tube velocity measurement-PI·6·6mm

Product Description

This Pitot tube sensor is used to measure air velocity by integrating dynamic and static pressure. This measurement, combined with load measurement, results in improved aerodynamic performance of the vehicle.
The 6 mm Pitot tube model is a very light and easy to integrate Pitot tube sensor.

Key Features

Highly accurate Pitot tube sensors
Light weight
0-5V output signal


The Pitot tube measuring range means that all vehicle applications are covered (IRL, Nascar, F1, GP2, F3...) as well as certain phases involving lower speeds (preparation and set-up of cars and motorcycles).

Information & Quotation
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Range50-76 mBars
0.72-1.10 Psi
Gravitational sensitivity1mV/g
Cut-off frequency200Hz
Battery Voltage5-16V
Battery Current2mA
Output voltage0-5V
Output resistance47Ω
MaterialsAluminum + Stainless Steel Tube
Operating temperature0~+85℃
Storage temperature-20~+125℃
Hope to receive a quotation
If you have any questions about our products and need a quotation, or if you need advice on measurements, please contact us! We are happy to help and advise you.

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